Dog Nutrition Needs

For a healthy life we need a nice, well balanced diet. That is, a diet that can supply all the essential components necessary for keeping and meeting the requirements of the body. A balanced diet is one that helps maintain or improve overall health. So is the works to our pets too. A balanced diet, water for dogs and vitamins for dogs is absolutely necessary to maintain a healthy, join able life.

For providing your pet with a balanced diet, you need to realize your dog”s nutritional needs. And that is what this document will help you to do.

Dictionaries define dogs nutritional needs as  :

1.     The process of providing or obtaining the food needed for health and growth

2.     Food, nourishment (like “Royal Canin dog food“,”Beneful dog food” or “Cesar dog food“)

The basics that a obligatory to get from a food for a dogs are:

1.     Energy

2.     Proteins

3.     Fats

4.     Minerals dogs vitamins and dogs water

5.     Fiber / Roughage

1.     Energy

Energy is what keeps the “Machine” goes. Energy is needed for play, run, walking, getting up or even breathing. Energy is needed by each and every cell to function. The first source of energy of course is the Carbohydrates. They provide immediate energy and are also stored for later use as fats.

2.     Proteins

They are actually  the Basic Building Blocks of Life. And amine acids are the creating blocks of proteins. Animals needs proteins as proteins are necessary for the structure and running of the cells and all amine acids cannot be synthesized by the body.

Egg whites 1.00
Muscle meats (chicken, beef, lamb) .92
Organ meats (kidney, liver, heart) .90
Milk, cheese .89
Fish .75
Soy .75
Rice .72
Oats .66
Yeast .63
Wheat .60
Corn .54

3.     Fats

Fats are also a source of energy but are considered to be secondary to carbs.

4.     Vitamins and Minerals

Dogs vitamins and minerals are an indispensable part of the healthy nutrition dirt and directly act in many of the body functions and metabolic pathways.

5.     Fiber / Roughage

They do not specifically makes a huge role in dog nutrition let’s say. But they act in helping the movement of nutrition through the digestive tract.


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